The following is a general overview of the Calgary Stampede Animal Care Code of Practice that are relevant to Agriculture competitors, exhibitors and volunteers. All competitors and exhibitors are expected to make themselves familiar with the Codes in their entirety and sign off that they agree to abide by them before engaging in competition or exhibits.



The wellbeing of animals participating in events at the Calgary Stampede must be safeguarded.  It is essential that there is clear understanding and acceptance of responsibilities by all Stampede personnel, volunteers, competitors, stock contractors, and exhibitors.

The care of animals for competition, exhibition or education at the Calgary Stampede requires both experience and the observation of accountable standards.  Unless that work is done well, the wellbeing of the animals cannot be adequately protected.  Our guiding principles and practices are intended to ensure all those responsible for their implementation accept responsibility for the husbandry, care and handling outlined in the Animal Care Code of Practice.

The Calgary Stampede will keep current on regulatory policy and guidelines by meeting with various organizations and associations as needed and monitoring industry information related to animal care.

The Calgary Stampede will ensure the ongoing maintenance of its Codes of Practice to create an environment that results in the respect and care of our animals.

The Calgary Stampede is competent to handle and care for all the species of animals on Stampede Park and will only employ stock handlers who are competent to handle and care for those animals.

The Calgary Stampede will ensure that people who have responsibilities in the organization for the production of events are experienced to ensure that animal wellbeing needs are met.


Responsible management of our animals and their care at the Calgary Stampede is assured with guidance and/or regulatory frameworks from organizations such as: Alberta Animal Protection Act, Livestock Identification Services, Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Alberta SPCA, Calgary Humane Society, AFAC, International Association of Fairs & Expositions, Canadian Association of Fair and Exhibitions, as well as several specie specific organizations that sanction various Calgary Stampede competitions.


The Calgary Stampede retains the right to dismiss, fine and/or suspend anyone not conforming to the Stampede’s rules, conditions and codes of practice.

The Calgary Stampede has the ultimate and final authority on all matters of disciplinary action resulting in the mistreatment of any animals.


1.4. Agriculture Official Stampede Veterinarian (AOSV)

1.4.1. The Agriculture Official Stampede Veterinarian operates under the direction and guidance of the OSV.

1.4.2 The AOSV is responsible for providing expert advice on the health, injury or disease status of an animal and its suitability for competition.

1.4.3. The AOSV will be the sole arbiter on issues of animal wellbeing in Agriculture.

1.4.4. The AOSV will complete a record of injuries and other defects, including treatment & medication in the Animal Care Treatment Log.

1.5. Exhibitors, Competitors and Volunteers

1.5.1. All competitors and exhibitors will comply with the requirements of the Calgary Stampede’s Animal Care Code of Practice by acknowledging and signing in writing.

1.5.2. Each exhibitor or competitor is responsible for the animals he or she uses or is in charge of during an event or on exhibit and must comply with all applicable sections of the Calgary Stampede Animal Care Code of Practice.

1.5.3 Exhibitors or competitors must not intentionally treat animals in a way that is disrespectful and/or causes or potentially causes injury or harm.  Violation of the Calgary Stampede’s Animal Care Code of Practice could result in disqualification from the event or removal from exhibit.

1.6. Participation of Animals

1.6.1. Any animal that is deemed unfit by the AOSV will not be permitted to participate or be on exhibit.

1.6.2. If an animal becomes sick or injured between the time it is inspected and the time it is to participate or during exhibition, that animal will not be used.

1.7. Care and Treatment of Animals at Stampede Events

1.7.1. The Calgary Stampede, its personnel, volunteers, contractors, contestants, competitors and exhibitors will clearly understand and accept their responsibilities.  All people involved with and participating in Stampede events will be familiar with the Calgary Stampede Animal Care Code of Practice.

1.7.2. The Calgary Stampede and AOSV will be empowered to discipline any person, including personnel, contestants and contractors who compromise the wellbeing of an animal.

Qualified and experienced stock handlers sourced by the committees (three to five year stock handling experience and must have the approval of Calgary Stampede management) will undertake the preparation of animals for events.    

Livestock under the care of the CS will have access to fresh water. (based upon participation schedule)

Livestock under the care of the CS will have access to good quality feed daily (based upon participation schedule)

Exterior livestock holding pens must have shavings or post peelings in place for bedding
1.8 Consent for Release of Necropsy Information
Pursuant to the Calgary Stampede Animal Care Code of Practice, any animal that dies suddenly during the course of the Calgary Stampede shall be subject to a post-mortem examination and drug testing. The Calgary Stampede will incur the costs of these procedures, under the direction of the Official Calgary Stampede Veterinary Team.
Owner Information and Consent:

In order to preserve the integrity of the Calgary Stampede and to promote the future safety of the animals participating therein, I hereby authorize the Calgary Stampede, or its duly appointed representatives including the Official Calgary Stampede Veterinary Team, to release the findings of any such post-mortem examination or drug testing involving any one of my animals to such parties as deemed fit by the Calgary Stampede in its sole discretion, after said results have been reported to me.

I certify that I am the owner/agent of the animals submitted for competition or exhibition at the Calgary Stampede.

I consent to the remains of any animal being submitted for:

Necropsy and related pathology procedures, and/or:

Bacteriology, and/or;

Toxicology, and/or;

Drug testing, and/or;

Such other tests or examinations as deemed appropriate by the Official Calgary Stampede Veterinary Team.

I will provide to Calgary Stampede, in advance, detailed information on any animals that I will be using at the 2024 Calgary Stampede.  Detailed information will include:

Animal Name

Brand or Tattoo





1.9. Infectious Disease

Due to the number of animals on the grounds during this event, infectious disease is a concern. Any animal suspected of having an infectious disease should be isolated and examined by the Official Stampede Veterinarian immediately. If an infectious disease is suspected, the Official Stampede Veterinarian must be notified immediately by the competitor or the attending Accredited Veterinarian. Competitors must comply with prescribed isolation and quarantine protocols which may include removal from Stampede Park. Jurisdiction will be transferred to the Canadian Food and Inspection Agency (CFIA) in the case of reportable diseases (EIA, Foot and Mouth, Rabies, etc.) 

All competitors and exhibitors will:

Consistently demonstrate ethical conduct in the best interest of all animals;

Ensure their participation and the participation of any and all individuals associated with them are familiar with the 2024 Calgary Stampede Animal Care Code of Practice;

Promote a safe environment in the arena, stalling barns, holding pens, exhibits and demonstration areas at all times;

Ensure responsible care in the handling, treatment and transportation of their animals and/or the animals placed in their care;

Exhibit standards of professional behavior which will maintain public confidence and trust in the integrity of the Calgary Stampede and the agriculture industry;

Cooperate in the enforcement of all relevant Rule Books referred to in the Calgary Stamped Ground Rules, the Animal Care Code of Conduct, and agree to accept the authority and decisions of the Calgary Stampede Officials.
Competitors and exhibitors and are subject to sanctions if they are found to have breached the Animal Care Code of Conduct
Competitors or exhibitors grant the Calgary Stampede the right to make any Code of Conduct sanctions public if the Stampede deems it appropriate in their sole discretion.
All animals will be transported in accordance with Government of Canada Health of Animals Act Part XII.

All animals provided for competition or exhibit at the Calgary Stampede will be in optimal health and meet all criteria as per the Calgary Stampede Animal Care Code of Practice.

Competitors or exhibitors will have read, understood, and agree to comply with the entire 2024 Calgary Stampede Animal Care Code of Practice, including 1.9.5 Consent for Release of Necropsy Information.