2025 Schedule
July 12th, 2025 - 11:00 a.m. ~ Nutrien Western Event Centre
As part of the Calgary Stampede’s commitment to developing the next generation of agriculture advocates by providing scholarships and cash prizes, the Junior Steer Classic show is entirely oriented to youth competitors aged 9-21 years.
The Grand and the Reserve Champion Steers will be sold at auction with proceeds going to the Junior Steer Classic Scholarship fund.
Proudly presented by the Calgary Stampede Livestock Competitions Committee
This event has passed
Event Details - Junior Steer
Entries Open: May 1, 2025 @ 9:00 AM
Entries Close: June 16, 2025 @ 4:00 PM
•$150 per entry (non-refundable)
•Only one steer can be entered per exhibitor.
All entry fees will be allocated to prize money - GST not applicable.
Provided At Time of Entry:
•Completed Entry Form Online
•Signed Prohibited Feed Affidavit
•RFID Number
1. ENTRIES WILL BE CAPPED AT 80 ENTRIES. Entries will be accepted on a first come basis and will be time stamped. There will be NO LATE ENTRIES accepted. All entries must be received by June 16, 2025.
2. There is a mandatory $20 clipping chute fee for anyone bringing a clipping chute.
Entry Fees: All entries must be completed online and submitted through our online system. Entries will NOT be accepted over the phone, by email. If you require assistance with online entries please contact our entries office at 403-261-9159 or agriculture@calgarystampede.com and we will be happy to assist you!
Scratches & Substitutions: Please submit a copy of the completed applicable form to our Agriculture Offices at agriculture@calgarystampede.com
•ENTRY SUBSTITUTION FORM **Please note, only steer substitutions are permitted. No substitution of Juniors is allowed.
Please note a few important pieces of information:
1. All steer stalling will be allocated as you arrive, in the order you arrive. No special stalling requests will be accommodated. If you would like to be stalled with someone, please arrange to travel together or arrive at the same time. Arrival will be permitted on Thursday, July 10 and Friday, July 11 between 6-9 a.m. ONLY. No early or late arrivals will be permitted. (The ONLY exceptions given will be for those exhibitors arriving late that were entered in the Summer Synergy Show at Olds, AB)
2. All steer move outs will be arranged and directed by the barn boss. No move outs will be permitted outside of the schedule determined by the barn boss and committee.
3. The OH Ranch Branded Beef Steer Show will start the show off this year with their own classes. This will be followed by the Junior Steer Classic classes.
Move In:
We request that as many exhibitors move in on Thursday as possible. However, exhibitors have the choice of which day they would like to move in. All steers must be in the barns by 9 a.m. on Friday, July 12, 2024. (with the exception of steer exhibitors arriving late from Summer Synergy, Olds, AB)
• Thursday, July 10, 2025 6 - 9 a.m. (No steers will be allowed to unload after 9 a.m.)
• Friday, July 11, 2025 - 9 a.m. (ALL steers must be in the Barns by 9 a.m.)
Move Out:
Saturday, July 12, 2025 AFTER 8 p.m. NO steers will be released prior to 8 p.m. Move out passes are required. Move out passes will be handed out to exhibitors at a designated time.
Provided Upon Request:
1. A completed manifest – All Alberta cattle must arrive on Alberta Livestock Manifest. Only one animal per manifest. Please record your RFID number on the manifest.
• Livestock Manifest: A producer generated document showing the owner’s movement of cattle within their own jurisdiction.
2. Bill of Sale
Out of Province Transport Permit for all steers originating outside of Alberta. This Livestock Permit is a document issued by a Livestock Inspector/Brand Inspector after an inspection has been done on the cattle, and the cattle then travel to their destination on the permit, showing they have been inspected. These are usually valid for a set amount of time and expire once they arrive at the destination on the permit. All brand inspected provinces & states require inspection prior to leaving that jurisdiction and a Livestock Permit is issued to accompany the cattle. The document required for cattle originating from these locations for the purpose of show or sale are as follows:
• British Columbia: Must arrive on a BC Livestock Permit
• Saskatchewan: Must arrive on a Saskatchewan Livestock Permit
• Manitoba: Must arrive on a Manitoba Livestock Manifest, or may also arrive on a Saskatchewan Livestock Permit if they had the cattle inspected by a Saskatchewan Inspector.
• Other brand inspected jurisdictions: Must arrive on a Livestock Permit from that jurisdiction.
• Non-brand inspected jurisdictions – Should arrive on a manifest from that jurisdiction, but may need to complete an Alberta Livestock Manifest upon arrival if a manifest is not available in their jurisdiction.
• Age verification preferred.
Junior Steer Classic Championship Class
*Grand Champion – Scholarship $12,000, Cash $5,000
*Reserve Champion – Scholarship $8,000, Cash $4,000
3rd Overall – Scholarship $4,000, Cash $2,500
4th Overall – Scholarship $3,000, Cash $2,000
5th Overall – Scholarship $2,000, Cash $1,500
*Awards may be shipped to competitors post event.
Individual Weight Classes
1st - $500
2nd- $400
3rd- $300
4th- $200
5th- $100
Anyone entering Canada must have a valid Passport.
Please note - Contestants are required to be aware of, and follow, all current Canadian government health guidelines, including vaccination and border requirements at the time of crossing. More information can be found here.
Non-residents of Canada will be subject to a 15% withholding tax on all prize monies awarded as required by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). Non-residents of Canada may apply to the CRA to have the 15% withholding tax returned. To file a claim with the CRA, complete and submit the following information:
Transportation Of Animals & Importing Livestock
If transporting animals into Canada, you must ensure all requirements are met to bring animals into Canada for competition.
Please reference our Health Regulations page for detailed information on transporting animals within Alberta and importing horses to Canada. If you have any questions, please contact our Entries Office at (403)261-9159.
Biosecurity Protocols
We take the health and safety of your animals very seriously at the Calgary Stampede. As such, for 2024, a mandatory submission of a Biosecurity Form for all exhibitors is required.
For more information on the OH Branded Beef Program, click here.